seth hancock




Brandon dubich




Michael bragg



Michael is a die hard IU football fan shaped by a mix of years of depression and heartbreak on the gridiron. Though sometimes broken, he stays loyal and is never daunted. A full-time father of 3, he still finds the time to be the dad behind the Podcast. Wrangling in the “talent” and battling with his Purduecer allow for him to stay in mid-season shape throughout the year. Constantly over promising and under delivering, he does his best to keep the pod consistent with the product on the field

Brandon was born in the football Mecca of the world, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Raised on the teachings of art Rooney and chuck knoll, Brandon brings the highest knowledge of football acumen to the Leo podcast. Mike bragg pulled him into the Hoosier fandom and he hasn’t looked back since. His passions include football and drinking, usually in that order.

Seth is a Purdue alum surrounded in a sea of IU people. The only way he’s able to keep his head above water is by knowing enough about IU to small talk his way through holidays and gatherings with friends and family. Now, he does it with a poor audio connection, questionable wifi and an audience of dozens


Your go-to Indiana Football podcast

Co-Hosts Michael Bragg and Brandon Dubich provide an obviously biased, yet educated view on all things IU football. Weekly shows cover everything from game previews and recaps to recruiting news year round.

Available on iTunes and most other platforms

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